Thursday, February 18, 2010

Finally, a practical post

4 ideas for the hell-of-it.

Rather than spending my recent graduation days looking for the proverbial real job, I thought I might amuse myself with a few entrepreneurial ideas of my own. If you have the vision and action to make it sparkle, well then here’s to some friendly business brainstorming!

  1. In an economy where college grads find themselves bleeding green and returning back to the parental tit, I think there a significantly large enough population of professional parents who have kids without jobs. If one network those people together, through a niche-type of resume/employer site, you could probably hook up overbearing parents across the nation who are willing to do some research to help find there kids work. The catch: you can only be a member of the site if you post at least on opening at your co-operation. Therefore, for every 20+ who needs a job on the site, there is at least one 40+ who looking to (or willing to) hire.

  1. I was always surprised at how successful sparknotes was at permeating the grade-school student community. How about a site that instead of facilitating cheating or paper swapping, had members send in their papers to be proofread, graded, and critiqued for clarity. This way, you could get the endorsement of schools and perhaps even create a few better writers in the process. I’m not sure if charging for membership or advertising would produce a better profit margin, but surely there a plenty of smart college grads available willing to work cheaply.

  1. An online market research group for musicians: Since the dawn of protocols and personal recording technology, it’s become clear that musicians no longer need record companies to produce their music. With the internet and file sharing, they also don’t need larger corporations for access distribution networks. But with the advent of social media networks, promoting your music on the internet can be a bit confusing, especially if you’re a musician and not a tech-junkie. How about a firm of musically-conscious tech nerds who would be responsible for ePromoting, website appeal, and spreading the buzz about a group. And the best part: they would be in no way affiliated with WB, Sony, Arista, etc…

  1. An application for the iPhone that is apple to speak with GPS’s and can let the user know when a parking space becomes available in his particular vicinity. This is an application that I wished I’d had for year, and it just hasn’t been doesn’t yet. It could also be a plug-in paid service for Garmin or other GPS companies.

Happy getting rich (or not).

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